You’re never too old to color


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16 responses to “You’re never too old to color

  1. Sharon

    Those crayons look fun!

  2. shirley

    She’s doing a great job!

  3. Amy

    That’s funny…my 15 year old just talked me into a Crayola 64 pack and a coloring book!

  4. Beth

    I still like to color and I am much older than 15:)

  5. Kristen Wagner Penn

    Aint that the truth?! There is something about coloring that is so theraputic!

  6. Christy

    Great pictures! I just love the sight of a fresh box of crayons.

  7. Shannon

    Ohhh! I love to color with my nephew all the time.
    Great pictures!

  8. Steph

    My year old would exclaim that they stay in the lines so good! FUn captures.

  9. Steph

    that was supposed to say my 4 year old…

  10. Diana

    Love all the colors! i still color once in a while

  11. Suzy

    and she did a wonderful job! Great shots!

  12. Jess

    I agree! I secretly LOVE it when dd wants to color because I get to color too! LOL! Great shots!

  13. Reds

    Love coloring too – those are great shots!

  14. Amy

    I still love to color. The crayons just pop in the first. great shot.

  15. Jena Photography

    I love coloring too. Told tell anyone. *wink* Great job capturing it. And I’d love that pasta recipe with diced tomatoes. Just Pea Mail it to me on 2 Peas (JeannetteK). Thanks.

  16. Angela2932

    Cute! Don’t you just love the smell of crayons?

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