Monthly Archives: November 2009

Sneak Peek! The G Family

I first met the G family in March when I had the privilege of doing Baby Z’s newborn portraits.  When they contacted me to do family portraits I jumped at the opportunity!  I feel a real connection with this family.  They remind me so much of my own family a decade ago.

I went into this session feeling so inspired.  We had a fabulous location & I had grand ideas for poses & props.  I was quickly reminded, however, who was really in charge….and that was little Miss K.  This little girl stole a piece of my heart the first time I met her but she may very well have taken the rest of it with her during this session.  She’s a spitfire, this one.  She is charming, precocious, uncompromising and sweet all at once.  I would {love} to meet her again in 20 years because I think that she is well on her way to becoming an absolutely amazing woman!

And of course there is Mr. Z….such a laid back, sweet little guy who is willing to go along with whatever is thrown his way.  He was such a trooper on that crisp November morning.  We didn’t hear a peep from him !

This is my  favorite family portrait to date.  I absolutely love the emotion it captures!  It is such a real  moment and one I hope they will remember for years to come.

Thank you, thank you, thank you G family for allowing me to be a part of your lives!


Filed under The Together Ones, The Wee Ones

It’s All About the Shoes

Need I say more??





Filed under The Together Ones

Thirteen things

In honor of our thirteenth wedding anniversary I thought I’d share 13 things I have learned from my husband.

1. Despite my belief to the contrary, I am not always right.

2. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.

3. Everyone’s journey is different. Just because someone else’s story is different than ours doesn’t make it better.

4. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. Bitterness is not.

5. I’m not perfect so why should I expect anyone else to be?

6. Marriage is a roller coaster but the ups last much longer than the downs. And they’re more fun.

7. Instant gratification is not all it’s cracked up to be. Waiting & working for it is much more satisfying. (I’m talking about finances, people. Get your minds out of the gutter!)

8. Vikes rule.

9. Quitting is not an option.

10. Just because we disagree doesn’t mean one of us has to be wrong.

11. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

12. Balance is key. My weaknesses are your strengths & I think the opposite is also true.

13. Love isn’t what you see on TV or in the movies. It’s hard work. It’s messy. It’s complicated. It’s not what you expected…it’s so much more. It pushes you to your limits. It makes you question all you thought you knew to be true. It makes you examine yourself right down to the core of your soul. It forces you to be a better person. It makes you who God meant you to be.

It has been a long, hard road but it has been our road.  It might not be a perfect life but it’s our life & I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  I understand now why God gave you to me and I can only hope & pray that you feel the same way.  I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.

Here’s to the last 13 years and to the next 30×3 years!

(Courtesy of Chris Lommel Photography)

I love you, Mr. Johnson-



Filed under The Ones That Are Mine